Karin's Challenges:
You can follow my progress by visiting the Challenges page of my blog.
So far I have two planned. My third will be the 2012 Goodreads Reading Challenge if they host it again. I hope they do because that is the one that is easiest for me to keep track of because it automatically goes off of my reading updates.
Here are my other two:

For this one you have to read 15 standalone books. That might be hard to do. So many books are published in series or as companions.
This challenge involves reading FREE ebooks. These can't be ARCs. They have to be ebooks that Amazon (or other book source) offers for $0.00. I've downloaded a lot but haven't read very many. If you want to participate in this challenge you will definitely want to subscribe to these two blogs or "like" them on Facebook - Pixel of Ink and Pixel of Ink - Young Edition.
Julie's Challenges:
I too will be participating in the:
The second challenge I will be participating in is The Contentment Reading Challenge hosted by Katie at Legacy of a Writer the idea of this challenge is to re-read books that we have already read before. Being content with what we already have in life. I like that!

Hi Julie and Karin!!
ReplyDeleteWow! I got it in JUST in the KNICK of time!!! Well, I have been searching and searching today!! I have NOT come across ANY specific Adult Fiction/Literature Challenges "I" would like to participate in. BUMMER!! If you read my post, I put a question out there as to HOW to approach Publisher and Authors to donate books for prizes for ME to HOST my OWN challenge, since I can't find one that fits what I like to read! I 'think' the books you both used are books you have received through the year??? You'll have to read my post!!!
I came across a TON of YA Challenges. I'm just not into YA 'that much' to want to participate in them. I always say I 'DO' have 2 Young Adults of my own, and 'right now' have ALL the YA I need right in my own home!!! Well, between my house and their Dad's!! With my daughter, OH MY!! It's SOOO true!!! SHE'S enough of a challenge right there!!! LOL!!! No, I DO like a little bit of YA!! Especially if it's a family sage!! THEY are the ones that make the books exciting at times!! LOL!!!
Anyway, if you two have ANY info on that, PLEASE let me know!!
GREAT challenge today!
You know ALLLLL your challenges are GREAT!!!!!!
Thank you for doing them ALL!!!
I've had a BALL doing this!! I'm SOOOOOO glad I signed up for this!!! It's kept EVERY DAY exciting for me!!!!! Thank you!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laurie, a lot of the books we used were ones that we got free from a conference we went to. Also some were books that authors had sent for reviews. Some were ones that were received from publishers. I have never approached an author to review books or do giveaways. They have always approached me. Some I have agreed to review for and some I have had to turn down. I guess you can go to authors websites and see if they would be interested in being showcased on your blog? Not sure how that would work out. I think publishers give out blog names also so you might want to approach publishing houses to see if they are interested in you reviewing books for them. I think that word of mouth too has gotten a lot of publishers and authors to approach us. Hope that helps...
Laurie, it sounds like you want to create a reading challenge like was mentioned in this activity. If so, you don't need prizes to give away for that. Julie and I don't get prizes for accomplishing our goals in the challenges we participate in each year. For example, the one where we are going to read the free kindle books, we won't get anything but a sense of accomplishment if we complete it. So, just create a challenge, set up some guidelines, and post about it on your blog for people to join you. You can have them report back to update their progress through the year or something. You can register for a Simply Linked for people to use to sign up. It is free. Also, you can make a button to help advertise it. I'll email you about making buttons when I get back to a computer. It is too much to explain just using my phone.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, basically you don't need prizes to start a reading challenge.
Julie and Karin,
ReplyDeleteThanks for replying to my questions! This is the first time I got on the computer today! It's almost 2:00am! I just pretty much woke up a little, enough to want to look at today's challenge I missed. There was just NO way I could or felt like I could do anything. I think I mentioned I either sprained or broke my ankle on Monday night. I woke up today and could NOT stand on my foot. I HAD to go into the doctors. She thinks it's a bad sprain, but is having the Radiologist check the X-ray because there is so much swelling she can't see through it very well. I guess I did it really good! I have an air cast to wear and no weight bearing on it for 6-8 weeks - that's my good leg, too! It's hard enough for me to walk and get around, let alone have this now to! My whole body is aching. I think it all caught up with me. I haven't even really read today. I have felt so beat up and blah! I am heading for the bathtub, yuck! I MUCH prefer my showers, but standing is OUT of the question! This is the FIRST time I felt like doing anything ALL day! But, before doing that, I HAD to check the challenge for today, when I saw your replies! THANK YOU!! Julie, yes, I was going to approach some authors I know to see if they are interested in donating some books for a challenge! I have had some authors even offer books for a giveaway or even if I had a challenge! Now it's time to contact them back and ask! Thank YOU!!
Karin - I SUPER appreciate your going to email me about making a button to advertise a Reading Challenge! THANK YOU! That was holding me up! I really WANT to Host a Challenge in the genres I like to read. There aren't any out there that I have found so far. I got to thinking and thought maybe I should call it Women's Fiction? I'm not sure yet?
I have participated in challenges this year as well where there are no prizes, just the sense of accomplishment of reaching my goals! That DOES feel REALLY GREAT! That, alone, is a prize enough! I DID sign up for the ebook challenge a while ago!! I see my name is already on there at workadayreads and I'm #16! Some of the FIRST people! If I remember correctly, I chose the 50 ebooks! She made it cute by calling the different levels floppy disk, hard disk, and more! I have enough of the ebooks and ones to review in my Kindle to keep me reading for a LONG time! That one will be a sense of accomplishment!
I REALLY LOVED this challenge, the one you two did, here!! I have been having a BALL! It has taken me out of my comfort zone at times, which is GREAT! I would LOVE to do something like this, too!!
You two are SO creative! I LOVE it! Thanks SO much for doing this one!! I am SO glad I signed up to do it!
Tomorrow, well, later today, I should be able to get back in the groove, slowly!
You two are such WONDERFUL people!! Thanks for this AWESOME challenge! Plus, for ALL the WORK you put into this!
Talk with you soon!
Thank you, both!!