Saturday, February 25, 2012

PERFECT by Ellen Hopkins-REVIEW

Ellen Hopkins does it again. PERFECT, written in her signature novel-in-verse style, follows the lives of four teens as they struggle to live up to the expectations of family, friends, and most importantly, themselves.

Stress leads Cara, Kendra, Sean, and Andre to respond in different ways. Two have secrets from their parents, one stresses to perform athletically, and one is determined to have the perfect body. Their choices lead them down paths they didn't know were possible.

What I love about this book is its connection to IMPULSE. During Cara's sections of the book the reader gets to see what her and her family are going through while her twin brother, Connor, is in Aspen Springs, a psychiatric hospital for those who have attempted suicide.

PERFECT is one of the best novels Ellen Hopkins has written. It also has one of the BEST covers!!! PERFECT is also the first of Ellen Hopkins' books I listened to on audio. Each character has a different narrator which really adds to the enjoyment of the book. I think I'll go back and listen to her others on audio too.


  1. I read the Crank series, but not Impulse or Perfect. I am currently reading Tricks after being warned it may not be appropriate for the library shelf. Siigh. Perfect sounds similar to Tricks with being 5 different teens' stories, novel in verse style. But it is very graphic and the topics and blunt descriptions are definitely for mature teens. Is the Impulse series that way as well?
    I will be in a quandary with this one because highschoolers love Hopkins' books.

  2. IMPULSE and PERFECT aren't as racy as TRICKS. There isn't any reason for either of those not to be in a school library. I had IMPULSE in my Middle School library.


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