Tuesday, January 24, 2012

ALA Midwinter Wrap-up Post

Julie and I are home, unpacked, and finally catching up on our rest. We had so much fun and I'd just like to take this opportunity to say that Julie is a wonderful travel partner. We make great roommates. Both of us love nothing more than staying in and reading. No fancy nightclubs for us! 

Here is what we brought home from ALA Midwinter Day 3.

Julie's Books

Karin's Books

It isn't in the picture yet because I didn't have it at the time I took the picture, but I got BITTERBLUE by Kristin Cashore. That was my goal of the day. It was a close one though because about a MILLION people wanted it. We had to stand in line to get it.  I was number 43 and Julie was 44. 

In the end, Julie and I picked up well over 100 books so needless to say, we have a lot of reading to do. 

On Monday morning I went to the Youth Media Awards.  It was so exciting to see watch as they announced the winners of the biggest book award winners of the year.  Click HERE to see find out which books won the Newbery, Caldecott, Printz, and other awards.

All in all, we had a great time and I can't wait until we get to go to another conference together.  Hopefully, Julie will get to go with me to TLA (Texas Library Association) in April.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Karin is a great travel partner too! I enjoyed the time we had at ALA. It makes me miss our working together though when I see her! I counted over 166 books that I picked up at ALA! Is that crazy or what? I have a lot of new YA books to peruse now. I was running out of options, so I am looking forward to the first 2 that I have picked out to read(Cinder and I Hunt Killers).


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